18 November 2010

Quite a Quote: What Others Think

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I try not to re-post other bloggers' stuff too much, but this post-it from Things We Forget rings so true with me right now. Ever since I started my job, I've put so much of my energy into trying to decipher what my co-workers, boss, & customers think of me, when I should just do my best & what I think is right. This is a great thing to keep in mind, especially with the holidays (e.g., family time, gift giving) approaches. Let's try to be our best, not the best in anyone else's mind.



  1. So true! And considering that every person has a unique upbringing, a has been socialized a certain way, etc. we shouldn't even take personally what they do think of us anyway.

  2. Love the new blog look!

  3. Arianna: Amen to that.
    Amanda: Thanks, miss! Jonty created my new banner :.)


I love comments almost as much as I love coffee. And both keep me going! <3